
Friday, April 8, 2016

Walk the Talk

Development and Loving Nature, can they go hand in hand? Most of us would agree that it is not possible. You have to cut forests, construct dams, build roads, construct houses for people to live in. The price for  the rapid development is increased levels of dust, toxic air due pollution from industries and vehicular traffic, the river water rendered unfit to drink, global warming, and host of other issues. The developed economies in South East Asia like Singapore, Korea and Taiwan have demonstrated that the fine balance between nature and development can be maintained.

In growing up years, most of the elders  rode bicycles and the number of cars and motorbikes were few, so air pollution was never an issue. The habit was not only healthy, but eco friendly too. The world over cycling is  encouraged with provision for separate cycle tracks even in big cities like Amsterdam. It helps in keeping fit. If elders set the example to cycle at least the short distances , the children would follow the suit. Unfortunately, most of the indulgent parents allow their under age children to drive leading to accidents and loss of lives besides adding to the existing traffic woes.

Many years back whenever we visited markets, the home made or own carry bags were taken. The vegetable vendors used to weigh and keep the vegetables and fruits in the bags that were carried and thus plastic bags were never used. The plastic bags are perhaps the worst invention as they are not only difficult to dispose off but are responsible for clogging of drains, rivers and are an eyesore especially on hills. Though at many places these have been banned but little do people care ! If the parents stop using the plastic bags, insist on carrying bags to the shops when they go with their children, the children would learn by observing, ‘walking the talk’ and we would have handled a major ecological problem.

We often, carelessly throw the wrappers of food, cold drink cans and PET water bottles by the roadsides, parks and almost everywhere. Those who indulge are not the ill read but those who are well read, rich and move in swanky cars. The next generation of young kids observe the elders and do the same, hence it is important to not only do the right things but set good examples. The impressionable children would soon learn the good habits.

The planet Earth is a gift where all kinds of life can prosper and should not be taken for granted. Leonardo di Caprio the winner of Oscar for best acting this year, 2016 in an emotional speech on the event, highlighted the need for preserving nature and helping in all possible manner all efforts around the globe to support such measures.
PS:“I’m blogging about how I’ll remind kids to press Ctrl+S for nature for theShortcut Safaari weekend activity at BlogAdda.”


  1. You are so right, often it is the so-called educated folks who do things mindlessly and end up creating more havoc for the environment and Mother Nature. If only we learn to become more conscious of our choices and actions, much can be done for the good of the Mother Earth.

    1. The biggest offenders are generally the white collared people who exploit the nature and system to the hilt:( Sad!

  2. While traveling in a train, it's so sad to see the entire train track littered with plastic, cups, wrappers etc. We want all the freedom but refuse to take any responsibility.

    1. True everyone is only aware of the rights sans responsibility! No wonder every place stinks.

  3. IT is a pity that usually the most educated people will do the worst , people who live in vilages and are uneducated usually care for mother nature More.

    it is so sad ... I hope we learn because there is only so much mother nature can take if it retaliates it will be doom time ...


    1. Agree with you in toto , Bikramjit. Nature keeps hitting back but we are not willing to learn despite floods, famines, avalanches and many man made disasters!

  4. Talk about throwing rubbish on the road.... That one habit just sticks with people.... This needs to be inculcated in young minds at a school level

    1. Thankfully you do not witness this spectacle in Singapore, Jaishree:) hope we will learn.

  5. Beautiful post Rahul.Our civic sense is deplorable the administration too cares nothing.Even if we want to ride the cycle where are the cycle tracks?

    I atleast carry my own bag but some vendors will still stuff the veggies in polybags.Then i collect them and give them back.

    1. A big thanks Induji, but seriously my heart goes out at the extent the things are mismanaged and we never seem to learn.

  6. So rightly starts with the educated who then need to set an example for others to follow...its a sad case as of now :(

    1. We can only hope for the best and hope things change for better, Shweta.

  7. Lovely post - we really need to start caring for our planet!

  8. Very rightly said. Of course development and preserving environment can go hand in hand. Sadly; we've learnt it the wrong way. Destroying nature for the sake of "development" is such an irony isn't it? Man seems to have lost a sense of consideration to fellow living beings and has gone to the helm of selfishness; for his own doom. Hope things change; but my hope is slim
