
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Seriously Funny

The stream of mourners were trickling in the room where a ‘Prayer Meeting ‘had been arranged for the departed soul. Most of them had solemn look and concern writ on their faces. Suddenly a group of ladies who were distantly acquainted appeared and broke down with copious tears flowing for a few minutes as they embraced the close members of the family. I looked from the corner of my eye at my young aunt who was a few years older to me who broke into a giggle, albeit softly. I instantly guessed the reason and later told her that on this serious occasion, she had me breaking into a giggle too, which with a great effort, I had managed to restrain. I am sure most of you too would have come across such mourners who come to pay respect, shed copious tears and in a matter of few minutes are back to normal, discussing weather, children’s progress in the school, an upcoming marriage or the changed weather.

During the school days I recollect having borne the brunt of breaking into laughter at a wrong time and paying heavy price. Once during the final examination in class seven, the English test was in progress and there was a misprint in the question paper which a few students noticed. They raised their hands and the English teacher came in the class with such a serious straight face that one of the class mates smiled and laughed softly while the teacher was clarifying! Suddenly, about a dozen of us too broke into peals of laughter! In a matter of minute that teacher boiled in rage and shouted and singled out all the offenders and gave us a beating in the class which I remember to this date! We later walked up to the principal with evidence of the beating we had got but after a patient hearing, were sent away!

There are a galore of instances to narrate where ‘condition  serious hai ’ became a subject of frivolity. Many years ago, I along with my younger brothers went out for a ride on my father’s bicycle, with one sitting on the front bar, myself pedaling and the youngest one saddled on the carrier at the back! Suddenly, a stone appeared and, I tried to avoid it. The bicycle hit it squarely and everything blanked out for a minute! The bike had broken, with the handle suspended like painting from the wall on the chassis of the once what looked like a bicycle! None of us was injured except minor bruises, and next minute we were laughing as if there could never have been funnier situation than this one! We carried the remains of the cycle with struggle back home fearing what would follow!
During the game of cards that we played with our grandmother and grandfather it would begin in all seriousness till my both younger brothers who had teamed together started winning game after game. Grandfather noticed that my youngest brother would stare intently towards his glasses the moment the cards were distributed! He let off the steam the moment he realized that the winning team had learnt what cards were held by him from the reflection from the lens of his glasses! A collection of such mischievous encounters of ‘serious ’ situations could make adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn pale before our deeds!

During final year of college, our first period commenced at 8.30 AM was taken by the principal who was very strict. One day a friend came about half an hour late and asked his permission to enter! He smiled and said’ you are too early for the next class’!

In case of more such ‘Serious Matters’ like someone falling, or giving condescending look , most often the first reaction of few like me is to laugh! It is said that ‘laughter is the best medicine’ but at times could be a reason for swallowing a bitter pill!

Never the less coming across ‘Condition Serious Hai’ situation and breaking into fits of laughter can be wholly satisfying and rewarding like having a bagful of Cadbury Five Star chocolates!

1.This blog post has been written for Indiblogger and Cadbury ‘Condition Serious Hai’ contest.( the Cadbury 5 Star Facebook page)

2. Pictures kind condition Google


  1. lol, so true..:)
    Happens so often with me as well. Even in the graviest of situatuions sometimes, something strikes so hard that no matter how hard we try its just impossible to laugh. As embarrassing as it seems at that moment, years later the same becomes a memory (mostly a good one).
    Good luck for the contest Rahul Sir...:)

    1. Thanks Jemina! We all have some recollections of such events:)

  2. It happened with me too once and I had a tough time controlling my laughter. As for cheating while playing cards, we have all cheated big time: from sending signals to staring into the lenses of the players wearing glasses :)

    1. Rachna, sometimes it gets embarrassing but what to do:) Thanks a lot!

  3. Lovely post! Life is full of exaggerated dramas and it is hard not to laugh even if it was not the right thing to do.

    1. Exactly, Padmaja! The exaggerated drama is something which once witnessed becomes a source of nice entertainment:)

  4. father once scolded me and went back to sit on a chair. As he sat, the chair broke and there he lay with his legs up and bum between the perimeter of the chair. I did not even go to help him. I STOOD AND LAUGHED. I feel so bloody guilty nw. SIGH!

    1. Oh Red! That must have been quite a scene! Anyway, somethings which happen on spur of the moment though not justified , can be excused:)

  5. Very hilarious post!! Made me smile early morning.

  6. Laughter is contagious, and something similar is the case with me.. once I start laughing there is no stopping me. :P

    All best wishes for the contest, Rahul sir.

    1. Ha ha Arti... we sail in the same boat:) Thanks a lot!

  7. When my own dad died, I couldnt help noticing the mourners of the type u ha've mentioned Rahul. Btw I too have laughed at a teacher and was called a 'bold lump' hi hi

    1. Jaishree... I think we connect on so many issues especially the fun part:)Thanks a lot!

  8. hahaha you really made me laugh! All the best for the contest :)

    1. So nice to see you here Naba! A huge thanks for that nice compliment and best wishes:)

  9. Sometimes you just can't help laughing, even if it is inappropriate.

  10. Enjoyed this post immensely.It reminded me of the times when i too broke into laughter when someone was falling down.It happens.
    Best of luck for the contest.

    1. A huge thanks Indu for enjoying the post! So I am not the only culprit but others have same stories to share:)

  11. Yes, laughter is the best medicine!

    1. Thanks Kusum... yes the best medicine which works every time:)

  12. Oh yea! there have been many such instances when I really had to work hard to control my laughter as the need of the hour was to pretend a solemn face..

    1. Yeah Manjulika , we all are alike when it comes to breaking into laughter at a wrong time:)

  13. Hahhaha! Hilarious post.
    I too love slapstick know, someone tripping and I standing there and laughing real hard.

    All the best for the contest. :)

    1. Thanks Vinati for reading and slapstick humor is something which is the spice of life:)

  14. Very nice post. I like the added humor.

  15. Interesting anecdotes Rahul. Sometimes solemn occasions can turn really funny.
    I have read several posts on this topic. This is refreshingly different.

  16. Yes nice memories of the past.

    1. Yeah, had to dust my memory to recollect some of these incidents, Asamptha:)

  17. Hi Rahul, I have seen this happen on so many occasions, I feel quite terrible at laughing at someone who has tripped over (albeit in a hilarious way), I would be more worried if they were injured. I also understand what you mean about mourners, sometimes people that are not close to the family will suddenly burst out in fits of laughter at their own conversions, which can be disrespectful to the others in attendance. Hope you win the contest, all the best!

  18. Thanks a lot Sam! I think all of land in such situations some time or other!!

  19. I too had many similar incidents that were seriously funny :D
    Enjoyed the read :-)

    All the best for the contest!

  20. It's good to laugh, makes you feel better. I often have bouts of laughter with my partner, and often for no reason at all!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. Welcome to my blog and am happy you enjoyed the post! Thanks a lot!

  21. Those anecdotes did make me laugh too. Wish you good luck for the contest, Rahul!

    1. Thanks a lot Rachna! Am happy you liked the post:)

  22. Funny recollections. All the best!

  23. Replies
    1. Thanks Radhika ! Am happy it brought a smile and made you laugh:)

  24. I m still picturing you and your two brothers in that incident. Some situations are so serious that you end up laughing at a slight poke. :)

    1. Right Saru! That picture crossed my mind as if it was just yesterday, when it happened:) Still cannot get over laughing at some seriously funny situations!
