
Friday, July 10, 2015

It's All About Honey

My earliest recollections of the use of Dabur honey  is from the childhood times  when for common colds my mother would grind  roasted cardamom  and sprinkle the powder on a tablespoon of honey and make a paste of it for consuming at least three times a day, till the cough and cold vanished. The other vivid recollection is during the puja s when honey would be one of the five ingredients to prepare ‘charna- amrut’ the other being milk, sugar, water and basil leaves. At the end of the puja this was the first thing to be consumed as ‘prasad’! The tradition of using honey and keeping a bottle of the magic potion has continued, and now with renewed vigor!

Even as a bachelor when I was serving in the Navy, a bottle of Dabur honey was one of the first things that I never forgot to buy from the Military Canteen. Every morning I started the day by consuming, a glass of warm water with a spoonful of honey and half a lime, before going for the morning jog. This is a routine which is being followed even now.

I remember when our daughter was born and whenever she cried, the first thing that happened was that a ‘baby chusni’ would be dipped in the honey and offered to her. It had a magical effect and she would quieten down instantly, and make some of the most adorable sounds.

Honey has been used in every home in some form of the other and the sweet golden syrup can be consumed without any qualms as a dressing over the salad, sweetener for the herbal tea, baking, and roasting! I once tasted the honey coated peanuts in Malaysia and these are extremely tasty and experimented making the same with Dabur honey at home!

Honey has been used by almost every religion and race from time immemorial. The Jews use it to usher the New Year ‘Rosh Hashnah’ by eating apple dipped in honey to bring sweetness in the New Year. Hindus, Buddhists and Chinese use it extensively for religious rituals and medicines.

Dabur honey is very effective in treating seasonal allergies due to pollen in the air. It can be externally applied for skin conditions, treatment of wounds and even burns!

In recent times the use of honey is being promoted aggressively and forms a part of the Honey Diet Dabur(! It is very heartening to see the effort to strike a balance with food intake and maintain a lean and healthy body without following a rigorous diet plans. The Three Click Diet Planner  been very scientifically done by ascertaining the BMI ( Body Mass Index) and lifestyle  and Calorie intake to suggest a healthy diet with intake of honey!

The day is not far when Dabur would usher’ a land of milk and honey’!


  1. That is a good habit you follow Sir. I do it in summer only. And I simply love grated ginger with honey in winter. It's so tasty. :)

  2. Oh yes, the benefits of honey are innumerable. Here, pure honey is quite expensive. The doctors recommend taking local honey made from bees raised in local farms so that it helps in fighting against allergies in the spring. Is this for a contest? If so, good luck :)

    1. Thyanks a lot Latha for adding your two bits:) This was a promotion post sponsered by Indiblogger!

  3. Nice observation Ashwini! Honey has benifits and this is a well established fact:)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Having honey mixed in a glass of lukewarm water early in the morning is said to be good for health, unfortunately I have never been able to remember to make it for myself unless I have a cough :(

  6. I take green tea with honey and also love it in my salads

    1. It is really refreshing! My day too starts with a up of green tea, with honey and lime :)
